NOTICE: History Center CLOSED until further notice

Sorry for the inconvenience

2024 HARVEST FESTIVAL Coming Soon!
2024 Harvest Festival

Click for video teaser…

2024 oyster roast


Plan to attend our annual Oyster Roast—jointly sponsored by Friends of Fort Fremont and the SC Native Plant Society, Southeast Chapter.
Once again scheduled at Live Oak Park in Port Royal, on March 15, 2024.

Click for More Information

page 1 Now Online Volume 7 Newsletter!

Our Summer issue is now online,
as well as recent past issues.
Read what the Friends of Fort Fremont celebrate
and accomplish each year!


history center Fort Fremont History Center Hours of Operation
The History Center is now open on Fridays 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, and Sundays from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.
Always FREE Admission.
Docent-led tours by request on Saturdays.

The Fort Fremont Preserve grounds are open Monday through Sunday from dawn to dusk.

app q r code

Download the Fort Fremont Tour App

Friends of Fort Fremont created a walking tour app for Andriod and Apple phones and devices. It includes all you would like to know and more! The History Center has limited hours, but the park is open during the day for self-guided tours using the app.

Go to the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store to download the 'Fort Fremont' app. Or scan the QR code above. See you there!

Presenting the Diorama

boy and diorama at library

The History Center is open, and the Fort Fremont diorama of the old fort buildings and grounds can be viewed at the Preserve. It includes a model of the 10 inch Disappearing Cannons once located at Fort Fremont.

Check out an interview with Drs. Marian and Ray Rollings for the Inner Coastal Podcast, produced by the Beaufort Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Link to Beaufort County video of the History Center Opening Ceremonies
November 9, 2021.

More information at our Events Page.

The Friends of Fort Fremont worked with Beaufort County to achieve the goal of an interpretive history center at the site. We would not have reached this point without the many volunteers who contributed countless hours in pursuit of our mission to preserve and promote the educational, historical, natural, and cultural resources of the Fort Fremont Preserve. To this end, volunteers have conducted historical research, site cleanup, website and social media design, community outreach, exhibitions, docent tours, tree identification and landscape plan, dioramas, an award-winning documentary, and much more.

disappearing cannon
Disappearing Breech-Loaded Cannon